Car Parks
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Vehicles listed here will be billed to your selected primary method.
Add new vehicle
Add another vehicle to your account for easier billing and lot access.
Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
Add gift card
Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Manage payment methods
Important information
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Download receipt
Add promotional code
Add gift card
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Manage payment methods
Add promotional code
Add gift card
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Manage payment methods
Website - Features Explained
If you need immediate assistance while in a car park, press the HELP button at the boomgate or pay station to speak with our 24/7 customer service team.
Do I need to register to use the website?
No, the website is designed to help you find the nearest parking to your destination.
After entering the date and time, you can filter by the closest or best-priced parking nearby.
Click the car park name or 'View' button to learn more about the car park near to where you are going.
To buy parking in advance in New Zealand you can only do so on the Secure Parking App
Registering/Signing in for the first time on the Secure Parking App or Website
An account is only required to use the App. This is the same account whether created via the website or app. If you already have an account with Secure Parking using the same email address, please sign in do not try to register with the same email address again or you will see an error message.
For additional security, you will be asked to verify your email address and confirm you are a real person. To learn more about our Privacy Policy click here.
How to change your password
Select ‘forgot password’ when logging in to the Secure Parking website or app. If you cannot find the ‘forgot password’ prompt, go back a step or two in the sign-in process. After following the ‘forgot password’ prompts, you will receive an email to your nominated email account with a link to update your password.
For more payment information, visit Online Purchase FAQ's.
Need further help?
To report an issue Tel: 09 200 2400
Please complete an enquiry form and we will get back to you.